Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Lesson 6 - Adam and Eve lived the Gospel of Jesus Christ


From LDS. Org
Show the children the piece of bread or fruit, and ask questions similar to the following ones:
  • Will this be different if I keep it a month? a year?
  • Will it change if the hot sun shines on it for a week?
  • Will it change if I keep it in water for a week?
  • Will it change if I step on it?
Show the children the rock, piece of metal, or picture, and ask the same questions about the object or the object in the picture.
Explain that some things around us change and some do not. Ask the children to think of other examples of things that change and things that do not.
  • Does the gospel of Jesus Christ change? Help the children understand that the gospel of Jesus Christ existed before the creation of the earth to give us the opportunity to become like Heavenly Father, and it is part of his plan for us (see Mosiah 3:17). The gospel that Adam and Eve received after they ate the forbidden fruit and became mortal is the same gospel we have today.

    • What did angels teach Adam and Eve? (Moses 5:58.) Why do you think we are taught the same gospel that Adam and Eve were taught? (The gospel is based on unchanging, eternal truths.)
    • Why did Adam and Eve need the gospel of Jesus Christ? (Moses 6:48–52, 57.) Why do we all need the gospel?

    • Tuesday

    • What are the first principles and ordinances of the gospel? (Articles of Faith 1:4.) What principles and ordinances were Adam and Eve taught? (Moses 6:52.) Point out that the first principles and ordinances of the gospel were the same in Adam’s day as they are today.
    • What is the difference between a principle of the gospel and an ordinance? (A principle is a basic doctrine or law. An ordinance is a sacred ceremony with spiritual meaning that is performed by someone with priesthood authority.)
    • Wednesday


      We can hear the voice of the Lord today just as Adam and Eve heard the voice of the Lord in their time.  We can hear the voice of the Lord through our Prophet.  We can also feel promptings, Comfirmations, and comforting from the Holy Ghost just as Adam and Eve did.  Some times we do not fully understand the things the Lord asks us to do just as Adam did not understand why he made sacrifices but we can have faith just as Adam did.  We can do what Heavenly Father asks and this is called faith.

      A Mother's Hope 

      What did Adam do that showed he had faith in Jesus Christ? (Moses 5:4–6.) Help the children understand that after Adam learned these teachings, he lived them. How do we show that we have faith in the Savior?
    • How do we know that Adam repented of his transgression in the Garden of Eden? (Moses 6:53.) How can we be forgiven for the wrong things we do? Why must we repent? (Moses 6:57.)





      We are baptized by immersion today just as Adam was baptized by immersion and we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost by the laying on of Hands.

      Elder Bednar - Being Born Again 


    • By what method was Adam baptized? (Moses 6:64.) Point out that “laid under the water” means being immersed in the water. How are we baptized?
    • What was Adam taught about the Holy Ghost? (Moses 6:61; He is a Comforter, giver of peace, teacher of truth.) What did Adam receive after he was baptized? (Moses 6:65–66.) How do we receive the gift of the Holy Ghost? (D&C 20:41.) How can the Holy Ghost help you?
    • Friday

      Holy Ghost

      Principles and Ordinances  

      Recognizing the Holy Ghost

        What is the difference between the Holy Ghost and the gift of the Holy Ghost? (The Holy Ghost is a member of the Godhead and a personage of spirit who can help anyone who is worthy. The gift of the Holy Ghost is the right we receive after baptism, when we are confirmed, to have the Holy Ghost as a constant companion if we keep our baptismal covenants.) “A person may be temporarily guided by the Holy Ghost without receiving the gift of the Holy Ghost” (Gospel Principles, p. 138).
    • Why are the first principles and ordinances of the gospel important throughout our lives? Explain that we need to always have faith in Jesus Christ and obey his commandments. We need to repent daily. We renew our baptismal covenants each Sabbath day as we partake of the sacrament. We can be guided and blessed throughout our life by listening to the promptings of the Holy Ghost. We can eventually become like Heavenly Father.

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