Sunday, January 26, 2014

Tuesday - Lesson 5: Adam and Eve and Their Family Offered Sacrifices


  • Why was it important for Adam and Eve and their family to know about Jesus Christ? (Moses 5:15.) Why is it so important for each of us to remember Jesus?
  • How did Adam and Eve’s children learn about the gospel of Jesus Christ? (Moses 5:12, 58.) How are you learning about the gospel? Why didn’t some of Adam’s children believe what Adam and Eve taught them? (Moses 5:13.) How can you avoid being led astray by Satan and his followers?
  • How did Cain feel about the Lord? (Moses 5:16, 18.) Why was Abel’s sacrifice accepted while Cain’s was not? (Moses 5:18; Hebrews 11:4.) Explain that God knew that Cain loved Satan more than God and was offering a sacrifice at Satan’s command rather than following the commandment of the Lord. Cain’s offering was done without faith in Jesus Christ. Abel had faith in Jesus Christ and was sincerely worshiping the Lord.

    Adam and Eve offered sacrifice

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