Sunday, January 26, 2014

Wednesday - Lesson 5: Adam and Eve and Their Family Offered Sacrifices

  • How does Satan feel when we disobey God’s commandments? (Moses 5:21.)
  • Even though the Lord did not accept Cain’s offering, he did not reject Cain. He gave Cain specific warnings about the dangerous choices he was making. What was the Lord’s warning to Cain? (Moses 5:23.) How did Cain react to this warning? (Moses 5:26.) How should you react to warnings from the Lord as given through the Spirit, parents, or Church leaders? What are some things we have been warned about?
  • What did Satan want Cain to swear to him? (Moses 5:29–31.) Who knew of the murder of Abel even though Cain kept his secret? (Moses 5:34–35.) Why can’t people hide their actions from God?

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